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Students at work in the studio at Ion Mincu University


On March 20-23, Nicolai Steinø held a parametric urban design workshop in Bucharest, Romania, by invitation from the Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism. Architecture students built their first parametric urban design skills in this 4-day intensive workshop, and some of them achieved impressive results.


Project site: run-down urban block close to the Ion Mincu University in central Bucharest

Project site: run-down urban block close to the Ion Mincu University in central Bucharest

Student work submitted by Anca Badut

Student work submitted by Anca Badut

Beautiful stairs of the lobby of the Ion Mincu University

Beautiful stairs of the lobby of the Ion Mincu University

PPADD Conference in Sharjah http://citypeople.dk/ppadd-conference-in-sharjah/ Thu, 22 Feb 2018 14:30:31 +0000 http://citypeople.dk/?p=336 IMG_9285_1920x1080

In one of the courtyards of the American University of Sharjah


At the conference “Representation: Process and Practice Across Design Disciplines” at the American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, on February 15-17, Nicolai Steinø presented a paper entitled “Architectural Drawing: Notation, Reflection, Communication and Presentation”.

Download the paper here.

Mapping the Architectural Genome http://citypeople.dk/mapping-the-architectural-genome/ Thu, 28 Sep 2017 07:00:27 +0000 http://citypeople.dk/?p=283 ecaade2017

Coffee break at the 2017 eCAADe conference in Rome

The eCAADe 2017 conference took place in Rome at the Sapienza University Department of Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, which is located in a beautiful old convent. Nicolai Steinø presented a paper at the conference entitled “Mapping the Architectural Genome – A Preliminary Study of Facade Syntax”.

Read the paper here.

As its point of departure, the paper contends that it must be theoretically possible to design a parametric urban design tool capable of simulating 90% of all conceivable site designs. The relevance of such a tool would be to quickly be able to simulate a large variety of site designs for any given context and location at a reasonable level of detail.

The paper presents a preliminary study of facade syntax and its application to a prototype parametric design tool. The study finds that a combination of a compositional, geometrical and mathematical approach is promising to this end. From an empirical facade analysis, a taxonomy of three compositional levels is introduced and applied to the prototype.

The paper concludes that the preliminary study is promising on a number of accounts. However, some issues must be investigated further, while other important issues have yet to even be examined. Yet while the task may seem insurmountable, there is potential to complete it, at least to a reasonable degree, and with a reasonable effort.

Simulated Parametric Facade

Simulated Parametric Facade


Simulating multiple facade designs from one general design script

Simulating multiple facade designs from one general design script

Single Family Housing Study http://citypeople.dk/single-family-housing-study/ Fri, 01 Jul 2016 07:00:28 +0000 http://citypeople.dk/?p=218 Birds eye view of single family housing scheme. Study.

SW Birds eye view of single family housing scheme. Study.


In this study we examined parametrically how a single housing family development consisting of identical two-level villas with terraces could be distributed on a sloping suburban site overlooking a valley.

The challenge was to provide all units with a view while filling the site efficiently within the build-to line. At the same time, road space should be kept a a minimum. Roads should not be too steep and the natural terrain should be modified as little as possible.

These different parameters were analyzed in the parametric model, and were adjusted to meet these partly conflicting requirements.



Plan view of single family housing scheme. Study.


View uphill from SW of diagonal access road and adjacent villas. Study.


NE Birds eye view of single family housing scheme. Study.


View from E of garden side spaces between villas. Study.

Town Planning Meeting http://citypeople.dk/annual-danish-town-planning-meeting/ Thu, 08 Oct 2015 07:00:25 +0000 http://citypeople.dk/?p=188 mug_shot

Youtube video presented at the annual Danish Town Planning Meeting (click to view).


Nicolai Steinø was invited to present his research on parametric urban design at the annual Danish Townplanning Meeting in Vordingborg, Denmark, on October 1-2, 2015. At the event, he presented a video (in Danish) explaining his work.

Nicolai Steinø’s contribution was covered in Byplan Nyt, No. 4, 2015, p. 7 (in Danish).

Student Works http://citypeople.dk/student-works/ Thu, 03 Jul 2014 07:00:53 +0000 http://citypeople.dk/?p=184 thor_nielsen

Parametric design by Thor Nielsen


In the Spring of 2014, approximately 40 students from the Architecture and Design program at Aalborg University followed my parametric urban design course. Here are some interesting student works from the course.


Parametric design by Brage Hult

Parametric design by Brage Hult

Architecturae et Artibus http://citypeople.dk/new-journal-article-developing-a-parametric-urban-design-tool/ Tue, 10 Jun 2014 07:00:33 +0000 http://citypeople.dk/?p=173 billede1


Published in Architecturae et Artibus, vol. 19, no. 1, 2014

Parametric urban design is a potentially powerful tool for collaborative urban design processes. Rather than making one-off designs which need to be redesigned from the ground up in case of changes, parametric design tools make it possible keep the design open while at the same time allowing for a level of detailing which is high enough to facilitate an understanding of the generic qualities of proposed designs.

Starting from a brief overview of parametric design, this paper presents initial findings from the development of a parametric urban design tool with regard to developing a structural logic which is flexible and expandable. It then moves on to outline and discuss further development work Finally, it offers a brief reflection on the potentials and shortcomings of the software – CityEngine – which is used for developing the parametric urban design tool.

Read the article here.

Guest Professor at Student Workshop http://citypeople.dk/guest-professor-at-student-workshop/ Thu, 15 May 2014 07:00:55 +0000 http://citypeople.dk/?p=247 GIF animation showing the combined results of the student workshop. Each student was asked to script either a site layout or a building envelope. The different scripts were combined and parametrically changed to produce the animation.

GIF animation showing the combined results of the student workshop. Each student was asked to script either a site layout or a building envelope. The different scripts were combined and parametrically changed to produce the animation.


On May 9-10, 2014, Nicolai Steinø was invited to give a parametric urban design workshop to students attending the eCAADe International Workshop and Regional Conference at Bialystok University of Technology, Poland. At the end of the workshop, the results of the efforts of the students – most of whom had never written a design script before – were combined into this little animation.

eCAADe at TU Delft http://citypeople.dk/ecaade-at-delft-university-of-technology/ Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:00:17 +0000 http://citypeople.dk/?p=196 The famous orange stair of seats, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft. Photo: Nicolai Steinø.

The famous orange stair of seats, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft. Photo: Nicolai Steinø.


The eCAADe 2013 conference took place in the fantastic spaces of the Delft University of Technology Faculty of Architecture. Nicolai Steinø presented a paper at the conference, coauthored by Mine Özkar, Istanbul Technical University, and Miray Baş Yıldırım entitled “Parametric Design Strategies for Collaborative Urban Design”.

Read the article here.


Conference participants in conversation. Photo: Nicolai Steinø.

Conference participants in conversation. Photo: Nicolai Steinø.

The informal layout of spaces allows for students to work in-between lecturers and people walking to other parts of the faculty building. Photo: Nicolai Steinø

The informal layout of spaces allows for students to work in-between lecturers and people walking to other parts of the faculty building. Photo: Nicolai Steinø

Article in Planum http://citypeople.dk/forskningsartikel-om-parametrisk-bydesign-udkommet-i-planum/ Thu, 14 Feb 2013 14:24:32 +0000 http://citypeople.dk/?p=142 fig_7


Nicolai Steinø and Esben Obeling has co-authored a research article with Karima Benbih, Virginia Tech University, Washington, which has been published in the italian academic online journal Planum. The Journal of Urbanism. no. 26, vol. 1, 2013.

The article entitled “Using Parametrics to Facilitate Collaborative Urban Design: An Attempt to Overcome some Inherent Dilemmas”, was presented at the research conference “Cities to be Tamed?” at Politecnico di Milano in November 2012.

Read the article here (pdf) or online by clicking below.

