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  At the conference “Representation: Process and Practice Across Design Disciplines” at the American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, on February 15-17, Nicolai Steinø presented a paper entitled "Architectural Drawing: Notation, Reflection, Communication and Presentation". Download the paper here.

In an entry for the Yilong Livable City competition, CityPeople has proposed a parametric urban design approach, combining city-wide mobility, landscape and topology analysis, and urban morphology. The proposal integrates three scales – the superblock, the neighborhood and the urban

  Nicolai Steinø was invited to present his research on parametric urban design at the annual Danish Townplanning Meeting in Vordingborg, Denmark, on October 1-2, 2015. At the event, he presented a video (in Danish) explaining his work. Nicolai Steinø's contribution was covered

billede1   Published in Architecturae et Artibus, vol. 19, no. 1, 2014 Parametric urban design is a potentially powerful tool for collaborative urban design processes. Rather than making one-off designs which need to be redesigned from the ground up in case of changes, parametric design tools make it possible keep the design open while at the same time allowing for a level of detailing which is high enough to facilitate an understanding of the generic qualities of proposed designs.